Podiatry/ Chiropody New Patient
Are you suffering with? - Thick Nails, Long Nails, Hard Skin, Corns, Dry Skin, Cracked Heels? Book your appointment today.

Appointment details
● 30 Minute Appointment
● £45.00
● The Podiatry/ Chiropody appointment is tailored for patients with long, thick toe nails, hard skin, corns and callus.

What will happen during the appointment
● The Podiatrist will carry out a full health check including a circulation assessment and a sensation check.
● The podiatrist will treat your feet, reducing the length and thickness of the nails and reducing hard skin and painful corns if necessary.
● Emollient will then applied followed by a soothing foot rub to finish your treatment

What will I gain from the appointment?
● Lovely looking feet by the end of your treatment
● Advice on how best to look after your feet in between appointments
If you have any of the following conditions, this is the appointment for you!
● Long toe nails ● Thick toe nails ● Painful Corns ● Hard skin/ Callus
● Dry Skin ● Itchy/ irritable skin