Optogait Gait Analysis

Optogait Gait Analysis
Optogait is an innovative system for movement analysis and functional assessment of patients with normal or pathological conditions. The system is equipped with optical sensors working at a frequency of 1000 Hz and having an accuracy of 1 cm, detecting the relevant space and time parameters for gait, running or other test types. The objective measurement of such data, combined with an integrated video acquisition, allows monitoring of a patient’s condition on a constant basis, detecting problem areas, assessing mechanical inefficiencies and rapidly verifying the existence of asymmetries between the two legs.
The software platform allows easy storage of all tests carried out and the ability to recall them instantly if necessary. This allows the development of a customized patient recovery plan. It is also possible to compare very quickly and easily data of tests carried out at different times, in order to assess the validity and the efficiency of the methodology applied.
OptoGait make it possible to:
Assess objectively the patient’s general physical conditions
Identify deficiencies, postural problems and asymmetries on the basis of data and videos and determine how the patients’ performance is being effected
Develop and apply therapeutic-rehabilitation applications, rehab approaches and orthopedic solutions on the basis of precise data
Prevent of relapses, complications and involutions of the pathological
Periodically verify the results and the efficacy of treatment
Motivate patients giving them tangible proof of improvement
Compare post- and pre-accident values if available
Confirm in a dynamic situation, the efficacy of arch supports, insoles or functional tapes
Analyse various shoes and their effect on the patient’s gait
Tests we can perform with Optogait:
Gait Tests
Gait Tests can consist of simple exercises (moving from A to B), but also of more complex ones, such as ‘roundtrip’ or walking backwards. They can be more complex, if needed, adding obstacles (e.g. plastic cones) or actions to be carried out between the various gait phases (sitting down and getting up before coming back, for example) or simultaneously. Dual task and obstructive task walking, can be easily measured here.
Running Tests
Running Tests, just like gait tests, can be carried out either starting from a stand or running, to analyse the various phases, how the incremental weariness acts on the patient at each round installing the system on a track, measuring the time of a change of direction and the following acceleration, and so on...
Different Jump Tests
A series of exercises (squat jump, counter movement jump, drop jump, continuous jumps, jumps on one leg, etc.) and protocols (‘Drift’ for dynamic stability, ‘5 Dot Drill’ for reactivity and endurance, ‘Single Leg Three Hops’ to verify the bending capacity and stability of the knee) are preconfigured. At the same time, the user can easily create customized tests or protocols.
Tapping/Frequency Test
This type of test is ideal for exercises where separate results are required for the left and right foot (e.g. tapping/frequency test, side movement, walking on the spot, etc.)
Reaction Test
This test detects the time between one optical/acoustic impulse and the patient’s movement. It can be used to measure simple reactions or more complex movements. The single meter can be battery-operated (8 hours) or used with a net adapter.

Results and video analysis
In the Results section two or more tests can be compared using the video as well as the data, having all necessary information at disposition. This allows to quickly and intuitively carry out an analysis of quantitative and qualitative differences between tests carried out at a different time (pre-/post- rehab, for example) or between different patients (healthy and rehab).
The video is of great help to the user to detect immediately postural or motor problems, and, more in general, to carry out a qualitative analysis. In fact, thanks to the ‘video memory’, possible anomalies of the numerical data can be easily identified and motivated.The video images are synchronized with the data. This allows to verify with accuracy what has happened at the time of acquisition of a certain value (e.g. if a contact time is extremely long, it is possible to look for the cause viewing the images of the instant)
After having carried out and saved a test, your report is immediately available:
Gait/Run report: specific report for gait or running tests, with average values, standard deviation and variability coefficient of all typical parameters for the left and right leg. Furthermore, any possible asymmetries and imbalances between the legs can be spotted instantly. The same report type is available when selecting two tests, allowing for a quick comparison thanks to a graphically intuitive and clear interface. Gait/Run reports show also if the patient’s parameters are within the normal range of values.